Monday, July 18, 2011

Batmobile replica powered by real jet engine

Batmobile replica powered by real jet engine: - From Gizmag

Be sure to watch the YouTube video of this thing with the speakers ON.  It sounds fantastic!  

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Volkswagen's Fabulous Ads, Pt.2

These ads are from 1960.  Click on any ad to enlarge.  Enjoy!  

Volkswagen's Fabulous Ads, Pt 1

While going through some old periodicals, I ran across one of VW's iconic ads from back in the 60's.  I thought it would make a good subject for this blog, so I started pulling down all the ads I could find, thinking I could just pick the best ones.  Little did I realize that ALL of the ads are pure advertising gold.  I'm up to 64 ads now, and I'm only to 1963.  These ads in Pt. 1 are from 1959.

Click on any of the ads to enlarge

For now, I'm going to add about 10 or 15 ads at a time, a couple of times a week until you or I get tired of them.  If you like them, comment.  Same thing if you don't like them.  After all, this blog is for you, my tens of loyal readers, right?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another "What Will Your Next New Car Be Like" from 1944

I just love these "what will your next new car be like" articles.  This one is from the July 1944 issue of Popular Science.  They have us driving diesels and hybrids with front wheel drive.  That part is accurate.  Not so much for the rear engine and rear wheel steering and hydraulic drive. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The $30,000 Pyramid

My parents sent me a newspaper clipping from the June 23, 2011 Aurora Beacon News (part of the Sun Times Media Group) about a local inventor, Greg Zanis, who is trying to produce his electric car.  Here are some of the highlights....
  • 500 miles between charges
  • 4 to 5 hours charge time
  • Bulletproof glass and gel tires
  • Life expectancy of a million miles
  • Eventual selling price of around $30,000 

Did I mention that it's shaped like a pyramid and seats one?  

UPDATE:  Check out Greg's website for the Pyramid Car.  

Those Fabulous Fords, 1950 Style

Article and photos by C.A.T.C. friend Wendell in Aurora, IL.

Check out this fabulous 1950 Ford coupe.  I'll let Wendell tell you all about it after the jump.  It's worth the read, and as usual, click the pictures to enlarge them.  

Monday, July 4, 2011

Meet Me in St. Louis

An amusing and insightful article from the July 12, 1954 issue of Life Magazine on the 50th anniversary of one of the first cross-county automobile tours in 1904.  NYC to St. Louis.  You couldn't just hop onto the freeway back in those days.

It's a rather long article, but it's worth reading.

Happy 4th of July!

As far as I'm concerned, this is the ultimate BBQ setup.
I wonder if they use KingsFORD charcoal?